Uta Krogmann

• Fellowship, Rutgers University, Department of Environmental Sciences
• Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V., 1991
Professional Affiliations
• American Society of Civil Engineers
• Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
• International Solid Waste Association
• International Waste Working Group
• Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, 1993
• MS and BS (combined), Rhenish Westphalian Technical University, Aachen, Germany, 1985
Selected Publications
• Jordán-Cuebas, F.J., Krogmann, U., Andrews, C.J., Senick, J.S., Hewitt, E.L., Wener, R.E., Sorensen-Allaci, M., and Plotnik, D.: Understanding Apartment Enduse Water Consumption in Green Residential Multistory Buildings. 20 pp., J. Water Res. Pl. (ASCE), 144(4), 2018, 04018009.
• Kannepalli, S., Strom, P.S., Krogmann, U., Subroy, V., Giménez, D., and Miskewitz, R.J.: Characterization of Wood Mulch and Leachate/Runoff from Three Wood Recycling Facilities in New Jersey, USA. J. Environ. Manage., 182, 2016, 421-428.
• Hewitt, E.L., Andrews, C.J., Senick, J.S., Wener, R.E., Krogmann, U., and Sorensen-Allacci, M.: Distinguishing between Reasoned and Unplanned Behaviors Carried out by Occupants of a Green Building. Build. Res. Inf., 44(2), 2016, 119-134.
• Xiong, Y., Krogmann, U., Mainelis, G., Rodenburg, L.A., and Andrews, C.J.: Indoor Air Quality in Green Buildings: A Case-Study in a Residential High-Rise Building in the Northeastern US. J. Environ. Sci. Health A Tox. Hazard. Subst. Environ. Eng., 50(3), 2015, 225-242.
• Mosteiro-Romero, M., Krogmann, U., Wallbaum, H., Ostermeyer, Y., Senick, J.S., and Andrews, C.J.: Relative Importance of Electricity Sources and Construction Practices in Residential Buildings: A Swiss-US Comparison of Energy Related Life-Cycle Impacts. Energy Build., 68, 2014, 620-631.
• San Miguel, C., Giménez, D., Krogmann, U., and Yoon, S.W.: Impact of Land Application of Cranberry Processing Residuals, Leaves and Biosolids Pellets on a Sandy Loam Soil. Appl. Soil Ecol., 53, 2012, 31-38.
• Tsai, C.-L. and Krogmann, U.: Material Flows and Energy Analysis of Glass Containers Discarded in New Jersey, USA. J. Indust. Ecol., 17(1), 2013, 129-142.
• Hull, R.M., Krogmann, U., and Strom, P.F.: Composition and Characteristics of Excavated Materials from a New Jersey Landfill. J. Env. Eng. (ASCE), 131(3), 2005, 478-490.
• Krogmann, U. and Woyczechowski, H.: Selected Characteristics of Leachate, Condensate and Runoff Released during Composting of Biogenic Waste. Waste Manage. Res., 18(3), 2000, 235-248.
• Krogmann, U.: Kompostierung - Grundlagen zur Einsammlung und Kompostierung von Bioabfällen unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung (Analysis of biowastes generated by separate collection and of composting various mixtures of biowaste fractions). 437 pages. Hamburger Berichte zur Abfallwirtschaft, Volume 7, Economica Verlag, Bonn/Germany, 1994.