Structural Engineering and Infrastructure Materials

CEE researchers work on wide range of advanced structural materials including composite materials, advanced high performance cementitious materials, ultra-high performance concrete materials, rapid repair materials, fire resistant coating, and sustainable concrete.
We also work on novel structural systems, structural behavior and mechanics, reliability analysis, load rating and testing of bridges, structural modeling, structural dynamics, seismic design, computational mechanics; frequency control devices; piezoelectric devices, magneto-restrictive devices.
Associated Faculty: Bala Balaguru, Husam Najm, Hani Nassif, Yook-Kong Yong
Research Clusters
Advanced Infrastructure Materials
Faculty: Bala Balaguru, Husam Najm, Hani Nassif

We design, explore, and test new advanced concrete and FRP materials including high performance (HPC), fiber reinforced concrete, rapid set concrete and ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) for strength and durability. The research also focus on FRP polymer and high temperature FRP developed material that can stand 3000 F and high modulus of elasticity up to 60 million psi. FRP reinforced AAC for residential use. Nano materials used for high temperature self-cleaning and durable coating. Balsa wood protected from high temperature by inorganic polymer and carbon fabric. Rapid repair materials for various components ranging from repairing micro-cracks to large structural components using nano-material, polymers, and other advanced materials such as high modulus carbon fibers and inorganic matrix.
Extending Life of Existing Structures
Faculty: Bala Balaguru, Husam Najm, Hani Nassif, John Braley

Developing protective coating systems for concrete and steel, repair of bridge components using FRP for reinforcement and other infrastructure surfaces, protecting reinforcement from corrosion and long term potential deterioration, reduction of carbon emission and eliminating waste. Use of specialized durable self-cleaning and graffiti resistant coating.
Sustainable and Low Carbon Concrete
Faculty: Bala Balaguru, Husam Najm, Hani Nassif, Hao Wang

Developing pervious concrete mixes for sidewalk and parking lot applications to reduce surface water runoff and minimize the potential flooding. Life cycle cost analysis of pervious concrete and other sustainable materials for use on transportation structures. Develop low carbon concrete mixes using sustainable bi products for use in buildings, roads, and transportation structures.
Bridge Design Guidelines, Bridge Load Rating, Testing and Modeling
Faculty: Hani Nassif
Computational Mechanics, Frequency Control and Piezoelectric Devices
Faculty: Yook-Kong Yong

We do research on miniaturizing piezoelectric resonators with the goals of obtaining ultra-stable frequency, high Q, and frequency-temperature stable characteristics.
Applications of Nonlinear Physical Acoustics and Nonlinear Phononic Frequency Combs
Faculty: Yook-Kong Yong

Applications of nonlinear physical acoustics to civil engineering problems is an exciting new area of research. We worked on nonlinear phononic frequency combs of a coupled set of Duffing equations derived for a quartz AT-cut resonator. The frequency combs were found to be useful for reducing noise in the frequency drives of the quartz resonators.