Arend-Jan Both

• Outstanding Associate Editor, ASABE Journals. November 2018
• Outstanding Associate Editor, ASABE Journals. July 2016
• ASHS (American Society for Horticultural Science) Kenneth Post Award for Graduate Research in Floriculture for the 2012 paper by M.G. Blanchard, E.S. Runkle, A.J. Both, and H. Shimizu titled: Greenhouse energy curtains influence shoot-tip temperature of new guinea impatiens. HortScience 47(4):483-488. July 2013
• ASHS (American Society for Horticultural Science) Outstanding Extension Publication Award for the publication titled ‘Greenhouse Energy Conservation Strategies’ authored by E.S. Runkle and A.J. Both (MSU Extension Bulletin E-3160). July 2013
• NCERA-101 Committee on Controlled Environment Technology and Use, 20 Year Member Award. March 2013
• Merle V. Adams Award for Outstanding Achievement as a Junior Faculty Member. December 2005. Department of Extension Specialists, Cook College, Rutgers University
• Extension Specialist of the Year. December 2003. Department of Agricultural and Resource Management Agents, Cook College, Rutgers University
• Blue Ribbon Award, ASAE 2003 Educational Aids Competition. July 2003. Horticultural Engineering Newsletter (previous issues can be downloaded from:
• ASAE Standards Development Award. July 2002. ASAE
• Blue Ribbon Award, ASAE 2001 Educational Aids Competition. July 2001. Horticultural Engineering Web Site:
• The Honor Society of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering: Alpha Epsilon. March 1999
• The Honor Society of Agriculture: Gamma Sigma Delta. May 1993
Professional Affiliations
• American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
• International Society for Horticultural Science
Selected Publications
• Li, Y., A.J. Both, C.A. Wyenandt, E.F. Durner, and J.R. Heckman. 2019. Applying Wollastonite to soil to adjust pH and suppress powdery mildew on pumpkin. HortTechnology. 10 pp.
• Brumfield, R.G., L.B. Kenny, A.J. DeVincentis, A.K. Koeser, S. Verlinden, A.J. Both, G. Bi, S.T. Lovell, and J.R. Stewart. 2018. Analysis of economic and social costs of growing Petunia x hybrida in a greenhouse production system using alternative containers. HortScience 53(8):1179–1185.
• Both, A.J., B. Bugbee, C. Kubota, R.G. Lopez, C. Mitchell, E.S. Runkle, and C. Wallace. 2017. Proposed product label for electric lamps used in the plant sciences. HortTechnology 27(4):544-549.
• Both, A.J., J.M. Frantz, B. Bugbee. 2017. Carbon dioxide enrichment in controlled environments, Chapter 9. In ‘Light Management in Controlled Environments’ (R. Lopez and E.S. Runkle, eds.). Meister Media, Willoughby, OH. pp. 82-90.
• Runkle, E. and A.J. Both. 2017. Delivering long-day lighting – Technology options and costs, Chapter 10. In ‘Light Management in Controlled Environments’ (R. Lopez and E.S. Runkle, eds.). Meister Media, Willoughby, OH. pp. 91-99.
• Both, A.J. and J.E. Faust. 2017. Light transmission: The impact of glazing material and greenhouse design, Chapter 6. In ‘Light Management in Controlled Environments’ (R. Lopez and E.S. Runkle, eds.). Meister Media, Willoughby, OH. pp. 59-66.
• Fisher, P., A.J. Both, and B. Bugbee. 2017. Supplemental lighting technology, costs and efficiency, Chapter 8. In ‘Light Management in Controlled Environments’ (R. Lopez and E.S. Runkle, eds.). Meister Media, Willoughby, OH. pp. 74-81.
• Mitchell, C.A., J.F. Burr, M.J. Dzakovich, C. Gómez, R. Lopez, R. Hernández, C. Kubota, C.J. Currey, Q. Meng, E.S. Runkle, C.M. Bourget, R.C. Morrow, and A.J. Both. 2015. Light-Emitting Diodes in horticulture. Horticultural Reviews 43:1-87. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
• Both, A.J., L. Benjamin, J. Franklin, G. Holroyd, L.D. Incoll, M.G. Lefsrud, and G. Pitkin. 2015. Guidelines for measuring and reporting environmental parameters for experiments in greenhouses. Plant Methods 11(43). 18 pp.
• Johnson, M., T.S. Villani, A. Azmat, J.E. Simon, and A.J. Both. 2015. Evaluation of algal biomass production on vertical aeroponic substrates. Algal Research 10:240-248.
• PhD, Cornell University, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 1995
• MS, Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands, 1988
• BS, Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands, 1986